
NumberDeliverable NameDelivery Date 
D6.1Management Handbook and Project WebsiteJan. 2023 
D5.1Impact, exploitation and dissemination plan for academic research, awareness of potential benefits to industry, standardization synergiesMar. 2023 
D6.2Data management planJun. 2023 
D1.1DETERMINISTIC6G use cases and architecture principlesJun. 2023 
D2.1First report on 6G centric enablerDec. 2023 
D2.2First Report on the time synchronization for E2E time awarenessDec. 2023 
D3.1Report on 6G convergence enablers towards deterministic communication standardsDec. 2023 
D3.2Report on the Security solutionsDec. 2023   
D4.1DETERMINISTIC6G DetCom simulator framework release 1Dec. 2023   
D6.3First Intermediate Project ReportDec. 2023 
D4.2Latency measurement frameworkMar. 2024   
D1.2First report on DETERMINISTIC6G architectureApr. 2024 
D3.3Report on Deterministic edge computing and situational awareness via digital twining security solutionJun. 2024 
D3.4Optimized deterministic end-to-end schedules for dynamic systemsJun. 2024 
D5.2Intermediate Report on Dissemination and Exploitation activitiesJun. 2024 
D1.3Report on dependable service designDec. 2024 
D4.3Latency measurement data and characterization of RAN latency from experimental trialsApr. 2025 
D2.3Second report on 6G centric enablerApr. 2025 
D2.4Second report on the time synchronization for E2E time awarenessApr. 2025 
D3.5Multi-domain end-to-end schedulesApr. 2025 
D3.6Report on Deterministic Edge computing and situational awareness via digital twiningApr. 2025 
D4.4DETERMINISTIC6G DetCom simulator framework 2Apr. 2025 
D4.5Validation for DETERMINISTIC6G conceptJun 2025 
D5.3Final report on the impact and dissemination to scientific venues, industry stakeholders, and standardization synergiesJun. 2025 
D1.4Final report on DETERMINISTIC6G architectureJun. 2025 
D6.4Final Project ReportJun. 2025 






This project has received funding from the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) under grant agreement No. 101096504. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.